Upcoming Events

Join the Westfield State Alumni Book Club!

In this online community, alumni can connect with each other and enjoy books related to lifelong learning, social issues, literature, psychology and other user-submitted ideas. There is no cost to participate - you just have to get a copy of the book to enjoy.  

You can sign up and learn more here:  https://www.pbc.guru/westfield

The book club will be managed by PBC Guru.  PBC Guru manages professional book clubs for companies and alumni associations and will be moderating the group to help make this program a great experience for all participants. Please email them at info@pbc.guru with any questions or visit their website at http://www.pbc.guru to see more of what they do.

Check out the Calendar of events!

With any questions, feel free to contact

the Alumni Relations Office at Westfield State!
(413) 572-8652